first off, don't assume for one second that there is anything wrong with being labeled a 'fool'. in my book, that entails a number of things, mostly which revolve around the term 'fool' being misunderstood. to be foolish is to NOT comply with the dictum of everybody else - a personal goal i strive for daily. being labeled a fool can expand to all aspects of life; in this case, the root definintion was taken from one of B.F. Skinner's essays on technology, referring to the "dreamers and fools", and their anti-realistic, hyper-idealised thoughts on the world and it's future. idealism is the undercurrent of this entire escapade (read: my life). doing things the way you want to do them may have to called a fool by some. i just sat down and drew my webpage, and look where we are now - individualism, idealism; they are so closely paired in reality. challenging daily life. there's a better way to put it; sort of a 'doing your own thing' all the time kind of mentality. and no, for the record, there is nothing wrong with that. thoreau's got my back.
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